Quarantine Snocks with Anthony Allen

Posted on: April 14, 2020 by in Blog
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In this special episode, Karen takes a different perspective on the COVID-19 quarantine and its effect on businesses, specifically on young entrepreneurs. She talks with 10-year-old fashion and snack entrepreneur Anthony Allen, creator and owner of Snocks. Taking his hobby of fashion and his love of snacks, Anthony combined both into Snocks, an online gift packaging company of tasty snacks paired with snack designed socks. Anthony, like all local business owners, is struggling to survive and grow during this Coronavirus (COVID-!9) quarantine. He shares his plans weathering this disruption, how he and his Mom are looking to expand the product line, and how he is reevaluating what’s an “essential” job and product. Anthony is one smart cookie and has a lot to say about starting a business, building a brand, and how we all need to stay safe and help one another.

Check Out Snocks

Learn more about Karen Simmons & Anthony

Karen Simmons

Anthony Allen

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